Why Are 3D Hologram Fans Suitable for Use in Hotels?

In recent years, the hotel industry has become more and more popular all over the world.When traveling, tourists are demanding more and more accommodations from hotels.The means of information transmission and comfort of the hotel are also elevated accordingly.Fashion, science and technology, warmth, comfort and other words became the most concerned hot words.With high technology to enhance the image of the hotel, with 3D hologram display led fan projector is enough.

3D holographic advertising device consists of four blades and a motor.With the rapid rotation to present 3D effect of the videos you want to project.At present,the max size of 3D hologram fan is 100cm(display area is 1 sqaure meter).And the resolution has reached the top level 1404 pixels.Compared with ordinary LED display screen, LCD display screen and projector.3D hologram projector display can not only display 2D pictures and text, the biggest advantage is that it can achieve 3D effect.See below video of 3D hologram fan application in public places made by SUPERBHOLO.

Now let’s look at why 3D hologram display is suitable for chain stores such as hotel chains.

1:With our CMS Cloud system,we can realize cluster management and remote control of all terminal 3D fan screens.Hotel staff can release information, upload 3D video materials, unified switch machine.This makes the means of information transmission and efficiency of the hotel have been greatly improved.

2:3D hologram video wall solution is often used in the hotel door, lobby and front desk to show the image of the hotel and delight the guests.3D hologram video wall presents a magical sense of space and layering, allowing guests to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the scene.The heavy impression of hotel customers will greatly enhance the image of the hotel.As a result, hotels will get more passenger traffic.

The hotel application scheme of 3D holographic advertising device realizes the remote centralized management of display terminals and advertising content.Unique 3D display effectively displays the image and service of the hotel and highlights the brand value of the hotel.

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